TCKDB -- Theoretical Chemical Kinetics Database v\ |release| ============================================================ .. image:: TCKDB.gif :align: center The **TCKDB -- Theoretical Chemical Kinetics Database** project is intended to support the international chemical kinetics community by addressing a necessity to standardize data and make it conveniently available for all. As such, the goal of the TCKDB projects is to establish a standardized open infrastructure for conveniently storing and attaining theoretical chemical information of relevance for kinetics computations. TCKDB is currently being built. Once this service becomes available to the international community a detailed explanation of how to store and retrieve data will be added here. The code is hosted on GitHub_, which is where comments, issues, and community contributions are welcomed. The following documentation pages describe how to interface with TCKDB's API, and how to contribute to this project. Documentation Contents ====================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contribute licence credits api/index release Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. include:: links.txt