Source code for

TCKDB backend app schemas energy transfer (trans) module

from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator

[docs]class TransModelEnum(str, Enum): """ The supported Trans models """ single_exponential_down = 'Single Exponential Down'
[docs]class TransBase(BaseModel): """ A TransBase class (shared properties) """ model: TransModelEnum = Field(..., title='The energy transfer model, ' 'currently only "Single Exponential Down" is supported') parameters: Dict[str, Union[Tuple[Union[float], str], Union[float]]] = \ Field(..., title='The energy transfer model parameters') reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(None, title='Reviewer flags') class Config: extra = "forbid"
[docs] @validator('reviewer_flags', always=True) def check_reviewer_flags(cls, value): """Trans.reviewer_flags validator""" return value or dict()
[docs] @validator('parameters', always=True) def check_parameters(cls, value, values): """Trans.parameters validator""" if 'model' in values and values['model'] == TransModelEnum.single_exponential_down: if 'alpha0' not in value: raise ValueError(f"The 'alpha0' parameter is required for a " f"Single Exponential Down energy transfer model") if 'T0' not in value: raise ValueError(f"The 'T0' parameter is required for a " f"Single Exponential Down energy transfer model") if 'n' not in value: raise ValueError(f"The 'n' parameter is required for a " f"Single Exponential Down energy transfer model") for key, val in value.items(): if key not in ['alpha0', 'T0', 'n']: raise ValueError(f"Got an unexpected key for the Single Exponential Down energy transfer model: " f"'{key}'. Allowed keys are 'alpha0', 'T0', 'n'.") if key == 'n': if not isinstance(val, (float, int)): raise ValueError(f"The 'n' parameter of the Single Exponential Down energy transfer model must " f"be dimensionless, got {val} in {value} which is a {type(val)}") else: if not isinstance(val, tuple): raise ValueError(f"The 'alpha0' and 'T0' parameters of the Single Exponential Down energy " f"transfer model must be dimensionless, got {val} in {value} " f"which is a {type(val)}") return value
[docs]class TransCreate(TransBase): """Create a Trans item: Properties to receive on item creation""" model: str parameters: Dict[str, Union[Tuple[Union[float, int], str], Union[float, int]]] reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
[docs]class TransUpdate(TransBase): """Update a Trans item: Properties to receive on item update""" model: str parameters: Dict[str, Union[Tuple[Union[float, int], str], Union[float, int]]] reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
[docs]class TransInDBBase(TransBase): """Properties shared by models stored in DB""" id: int model: str parameters: Dict[str, Union[Tuple[Union[float, int], str], Union[float, int]]] reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None class Config: orm_mode = True
[docs]class Trans(TransInDBBase): """Properties to return to client""" pass
[docs]class TransInDB(TransInDBBase): """Properties stored in DB""" pass