TCKDB backend app schemas literature module
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator
[docs]class LiteratureTypeEnum(str, Enum):
The supported literature reference types
article = 'article'
book = 'book'
thesis = 'thesis'
[docs]class LiteratureBase(BaseModel):
A LiteratureBase class (shared properties)
type: LiteratureTypeEnum = Field(..., title='The literature type, either article, book, or thesis')
authors: str = Field(..., max_length=255, title='The literature source authors')
title: str = Field(..., max_length=255, title='The literature source title')
year: int = Field(..., ge=1500, le=9999, title='The publication year')
journal: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The Journal name (for an article)')
publisher: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The publisher name (for a book)')
volume: Optional[int] = Field(None, gt=0, title='The volume number (for an article, optional for a book)')
issue: Optional[int] = Field(None, gt=0, title='The issue number (for an article)')
page_start: Optional[int] = Field(None, gt=0, title='The first page (for an article)')
page_end: Optional[int] = Field(None, gt=0, title='The last page (for an article)')
editors: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The editor names (for a book)')
edition: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=50, title='The edition (for a book)')
chapter_title: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The chapter title (for a book)')
publication_place: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The publication place (for a book)')
advisor: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The dissertation advisor (for a thesis)')
doi: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The DOI')
isbn: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The ISBN (for a book)')
url: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=255, title='The publication URL address')
reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(None)
class Config:
extra = "forbid"
[docs] @validator('reviewer_flags', always=True)
def check_reviewer_flags(cls, value):
"""Literature.reviewer_flags validator"""
return value or dict()
[docs] @validator('journal', always=True)
def check_journal(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.journal validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.article and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The journal argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('authors')
def check_authors(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.authors validator"""
if ' ' not in value:
raise ValueError(f'The authors argument seems incomplete. Got: {value}')
return value
[docs] @validator('title')
def check_title(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.title validator"""
if ' ' not in value:
raise ValueError(f'The title argument seems incomplete. Got: {value}')
return value
[docs] @validator('publisher', always=True)
def check_publisher(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.publisher validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.book and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The publisher argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('volume', always=True)
def check_volume(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.volume validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.article and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The volume argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('page_start', always=True)
def check_page_start(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.page_start validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.article and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The page_start argument is missing for a literature type "{values["type"]}"')
return value
[docs] @validator('page_end', always=True)
def check_page_end(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.page_end validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.article and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The page_end argument is missing for a literature type "{values["type"]}"')
if 'page_start' in values and isinstance(values['page_start'], int) and isinstance(value, int) \
and value < values['page_start']:
raise ValueError(f'The starting page cannot be lesser than the ending page, '
f'got page_start={values["page_start"]} and page_end={value}')
return value
[docs] @validator('editors', always=True)
def check_editors(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.editors validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.book and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The editors argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('publication_place', always=True)
def check_publication_place(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.publication_place validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.book and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The publication_place argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('advisor', always=True)
def check_advisor(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.advisor validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.thesis and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The advisor argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('doi', always=True)
def check_doi(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.doi validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.article and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The doi argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('isbn', always=True)
def check_isbn(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.isbn validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.book and (value is None or not value):
raise ValueError(f'The isbn argument is missing for a literature type {values["type"]}')
return value
[docs] @validator('url')
def validate_url(cls, value, values):
"""Literature.url validator"""
if 'type' in values and values['type'] == LiteratureTypeEnum.thesis or value is not None:
if '.' not in value:
raise ValueError('url invalid (expected a ".")')
if ' ' in value:
raise ValueError('url invalid (no spaces allowed)')
return value
[docs]class LiteratureCreate(LiteratureBase):
"""Create a Literature item: Properties to receive on item creation"""
type: str
authors: str
title: str
year: int
journal: Optional[str] = None
publisher: Optional[str] = None
volume: Optional[int] = None
issue: Optional[int] = None
page_start: Optional[int] = None
page_end: Optional[int] = None
editors: Optional[str] = None
edition: Optional[str] = None
chapter_title: Optional[str] = None
publication_place: Optional[str] = None
doi: Optional[str] = None
isbn: Optional[str] = None
url: Optional[str] = None
reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
[docs]class LiteratureUpdate(LiteratureBase):
"""Update a Literature item: Properties to receive on item update"""
authors: str
title: str
year: int
journal: Optional[str] = None
publisher: Optional[str] = None
volume: Optional[int] = None
issue: Optional[int] = None
page_start: Optional[int] = None
page_end: Optional[int] = None
editors: Optional[str] = None
edition: Optional[str] = None
chapter_title: Optional[str] = None
publication_place: Optional[str] = None
doi: Optional[str] = None
isbn: Optional[str] = None
url: Optional[str] = None
reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
[docs]class LiteratureInDBBase(LiteratureBase):
"""Properties shared by models stored in DB"""
id: int
authors: str
title: str
year: int
journal: Optional[str] = None
publisher: Optional[str] = None
volume: Optional[int] = None
issue: Optional[int] = None
page_start: Optional[int] = None
page_end: Optional[int] = None
editors: Optional[str] = None
edition: Optional[str] = None
chapter_title: Optional[str] = None
publication_place: Optional[str] = None
doi: Optional[str] = None
isbn: Optional[str] = None
url: Optional[str] = None
reviewer_flags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class Config:
orm_mode = True
[docs]class Literature(LiteratureInDBBase):
"""Properties to return to client"""
[docs]class LiteratureInDB(LiteratureInDBBase):
"""Properties stored in DB"""