Source code for

TCKDB backend app models non-physical species (np_species) module

from typing import List

from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, Float, ForeignKey, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

from import Base
from import np_species_authors, np_species_reviewers
from import MsgpackExt
from import species_as_str

[docs]class NonPhysicalSpecies(Base): """ A class for representing a TCKDB NonPhysicalSpecies item. Note: All atom indices in these arguments are 1-indexed unless explicitly stated otherwise. Attributes: id (int) The primary key (not a user input). label (Optional[str]) A free user label for the species (maximum 255 characters). # provenance timestamp (float) The UTC timestamp of uploading the data to TCKDB (not a user input). retracted (str) A reason for retracting this object. Default: ``None`` (not a user input). # review reviewed (bool) Whether this entry was reviewed (not a user input). approved (bool) If reviewed, whether it was approved (not a user input). reviewer_flags (Dict[str, str]) Backend flags to assist the review process (automatically determined, but users may add notes to flag items for the reviewer). Example:: {'general': 'This species has a shallow (1.5 kJ/mol) well along the 4-8-7-10 torsional mode.'} # chemical identifiers smiles (Optional[str]) The canonical SMILES descriptor with chirality information. Note: Either ``smiles``, ``inchi``, or ``graph`` must be specified. inchi (Optional[str]) The InChI descriptor with an explicit H layer and chirality information. Note: Either ``smiles``, ``inchi``, or ``graph`` must be specified. inchi_key (Optional[str]) The InChI key descriptor. Automatically assigned if not given by the user. charge (int) The net molecular charge. multiplicity (int) The spin multiplicity. electronic_state (Optional[str]) The species electronic state at CIS level. Default: ``'X'`` (denoting ground state). # geometry and connectivity coordinates (Dict[str, Union[Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float], ...], Tuple[int, ...], Tuple[str, ...]]]) Cartesian coordinates in standard orientation. Keys (values) are: * 'symbols' (Tuple[str]) Chemical element symbols * 'isotopes' (Tuple[int]) The respective isotopes * 'coords' (Tuple[Tuple[float]]) The respective coordinates Example for methane:: {'symbols': ('C', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H'), 'isotopes': (12, 1, 1, 1, 1), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.6300326, 0.6300326, 0.6300326), (-0.6300326, -0.6300326, 0.6300326), (-0.6300326, 0.6300326, -0.6300326), (0.6300326, -0.6300326, -0.6300326))} graph (Optional[str]) A 2D connectivity graph in an RMG adjacency list format. Note that this graph represents a single Lewis structure (resonance structure). These graphs can be generated using RMG's API or online at Note: Either ``smiles``, ``inchi``, or ``graph`` must be specified. Example for methane:: multiplicity 1 1 C u0 p0 c0 {2,S} {3,S} {4,S} {5,S} 2 H u0 p0 c0 {1,S} 3 H u0 p0 c0 {1,S} 4 H u0 p0 c0 {1,S} 5 H u0 p0 c0 {1,S} fragments (Optional[List[List[int]]]) Fragments represented by this species, e.g., VdW wells. Entries are atom index lists of all atoms in a fragment. Default: ``None`` (denoting there's only one fragment). fragment_orientation (Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[float, List[float]]]]]) Relative orientation of fragments, starting from the heaviest one. All fragments must be in standard Cartesian orientation prior to determining the following parameters. Entries are dictionaries with the following keys (values): * 'cm' (List[float]) A vector pointing from a fragment's center to the center of mass of the next fragment. Units: Angstrom * 'x' (float) The X axis rotational angle in degrees. * 'y' (float) The Y axis rotational angle in degrees. * 'z' (float) The Z axis rotational angle in degrees. chirality (Optional[Dict[Tuple[int], str]]) The species' chiral centers, following the Cahn–Ingold–Prelog (CIP) notation (``'R'`` or ``'S'`` for atom centers, ``'E'`` or ``'Z'`` for double bond centers). Keys are tuples of atom indices of a chiral center, values are string representations of the respective chiral center. Note: Non-radical valance 3 nitrogen atoms are also considered chiral if connected to three different groups (considering the lone pair to always be a unique fourth group). In such cases, use a ``'NR'`` or ``'NS'`` notation. Example: A double bond with chirality ``'E'`` between atoms 1-2, an ``'S'`` chiral center on atom 3, and an ``'S'`` chiral center on atom 6 which is a nitrogen are represented as:: {(1, 2): 'E', (3,): 'S', (6,): 'NS'}) conformation_method (Optional[str]) The method used to determine the lowest energy conformer. Required if the species has 4 or more atoms. is_well (bool) Whether this conformer represents a local well (at the opt level used). is_global_min (bool) If this conformer is a well, whether it is meant to represents the **global** minimum energy well. global_min_geometry (Optional[Dict[str, tuple]]) If this species does not represent the global minimum well, this argument must contain the coordinates of the global minimum energy conformer at the same opt level. # TS is_ts (bool) Whether this species represents a transition state. Default: ``False``. irc_trajectories (Optional[List[List[Dict[str, tuple]]]]) The two IRC trajectories. Each trajectory is a list of coordinates dictionaries. Required if the species is a transition state. Cannot be specified for non-TS species. # relationships - Many to One literature_id (int) The literature reference from the :ref:`Literature table <Literature_model>`. literature (relationship) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`Literature table <literature_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. bot_id (int) The bot used to generate the object from the :ref:`Bot table <bot_model>`. bot (relationship) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`Bot table <bot_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. opt_level (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`Level table <level_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. freq_level (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`Level table <level_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. scan_level (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`Level table <level_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. irc_level (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`Level table <level_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. sp_level (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`Level table <level_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. Required. opt_ess (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`ESS table <ess_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. freq_ess (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`ESS table <ess_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. scan_ess (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`ESS table <ess_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. irc_ess (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`ESS table <ess_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. sp_ess (Optional[relationship]) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a One to Many data model with the :ref:`ESS table <ess_model>`, where the "reverse" side is a Many to One data model. Required. # relationships - Many to Many authors (relationship) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a Many to Many data model with the :ref:`Person table <person_model>` representing authors of this object. reviewers (relationship) An attribute that establishes a bidirectional relationship in a Many to Many data model with the :ref:`Person table <person_model>` representing reviewers of this object. # paths opt_path (Optional[str]) The path to the optimization output file. Required for polyatomic species (with 2 or more atoms). freq_path (Optional[str]) The path to the frequencies calculation output file. Required for polyatomic species (with 2 or more atoms). scan_paths (Optional[Dict[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], ...], str]]) Paths to the torsion scan calculation output files. Keys are tuples of tuples. The number of inner-level tuples corresponds to the torsion dimension. Entries of the inner-level tuple are torsion atom indices. Values are paths to the respective scan calculation log file. irc_paths (Optional[List[str]]) Entries are paths to the IRC calculation output files. Required for transition states. Either a single path to a forward+reverse IRC, or two respective paths. sp_path (Optional[str]) The path to the single point energy output file. Unlike the ``Species`` object, here ``sp_path`` is optional. # unconverged jobs unconverged_jobs (Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]]) Any relevant unconverged jobs that were troubleshooted while calculating this Species. Entries are dictionaries, keys (values) are: * 'job type' (str): ``'opt'``, ``'freq'``, ``'scan'``, ``'irc'``, or ``'sp'`` * 'issue' (str): The identified issue * 'troubleshooting' (str): Description of the troubleshooting method(s) that solved the issue * 'comment' (str): An optional comment explaining the troubleshooting approach * 'path' (str): The path to the relevant unconverged ESS log file # misc extras (Dict[str, Any]) Any additional information in the form of a dictionary Unlike the ``Species`` object, here ``extras`` is required and should at least contain a reason for declaring this species non-physical. """ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True, nullable=False) label = Column(String(255), nullable=True) # provenance timestamp = Column(Float, nullable=False) retracted = Column(String(255), nullable=True) # review reviewed = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) approved = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) reviewer_flags = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) # chemical identifiers smiles = Column(String(5000), nullable=False) inchi = Column(String(5000), nullable=False) inchi_key = Column(String(5000), nullable=False) charge = Column(Integer, nullable=False) multiplicity = Column(Integer, nullable=False) electronic_state = Column(String(150), nullable=False) # geometry and connectivity coordinates = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=False) graph = Column(String(100000), nullable=True) fragments = Column(ARRAY(item_type=int, as_tuple=False, zero_indexes=True), nullable=True) fragment_orientation = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) chirality = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) conformation_method = Column(String(500), nullable=False) is_well = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) is_global_min = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) global_min_geometry = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) # TS is_ts = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) irc_trajectories = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) # relationships - Many to One literature_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) literature = relationship('Literature', backref='np_species', foreign_keys=[literature_id]) bot_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) bot = relationship('Bot', backref='np_species', foreign_keys=[bot_id]) opt_level_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) opt_level = relationship('Level', backref="np_species_opt", foreign_keys=[opt_level_id]) freq_level_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) freq_level = relationship('Level', backref='np_species_freq', foreign_keys=[freq_level_id]) scan_level_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) scan_level = relationship('Level', backref='np_species_scan', foreign_keys=[scan_level_id]) irc_level_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) irc_level = relationship('Level', backref='np_species_irc', foreign_keys=[irc_level_id]) sp_level_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False, unique=False) sp_level = relationship('Level', backref='np_species_sp', foreign_keys=[sp_level_id]) opt_ess_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) opt_ess = relationship('ESS', backref='np_species_opt', foreign_keys=[opt_ess_id]) freq_ess_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) freq_ess = relationship('ESS', backref='np_species_freq', foreign_keys=[freq_ess_id]) scan_ess_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) scan_ess = relationship('ESS', backref='np_species_scan', foreign_keys=[scan_ess_id]) irc_ess_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, unique=False) irc_ess = relationship('ESS', backref='np_species_irc', foreign_keys=[irc_ess_id]) sp_ess_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False, unique=False) sp_ess = relationship('ESS', backref='np_species_sp', foreign_keys=[sp_ess_id]) # relationships - Many to Many authors = relationship('Person', secondary=np_species_authors, backref='authors_np_species') reviewers = relationship('Person', secondary=np_species_reviewers, backref='reviewers_np_species') # paths opt_path = Column(String(5000), nullable=True) freq_path = Column(String(5000), nullable=True) scan_paths = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) irc_paths = Column(ARRAY(item_type=List[str], as_tuple=False, zero_indexes=True), nullable=True) sp_path = Column(String(5000), nullable=False) # unconverged jobs unconverged_jobs = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) # misc extras = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) def __str__(self) -> str: """ A helper function for generating a user-friendly string representation of the object. """ return species_as_str(class_name=self.__class__.__name__,, label=self.label, smiles=self.smiles, inchi=self.inchi, inchi_key=self.inchi_key)