Source code for

TCKDB backend app models level of theory module

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String

from import Base
from import MsgpackExt

[docs]class Level(Base): """ A class for representing a TCKDB Level item Describing a level of theory Examples:: Level(method='cbs-qb3') Level(method='B3LYP', basis='6-31G(d,p)', dispersion='gd3bj') Level(method='wB97xd', basis='def2TZVP', solvation_method='PCM', solvent='water', grid='UltraFine') Level(method='DLPNO-CCSD(T)-F12', basis='cc-pVTZ-F12', auxiliary_basis='aug-cc-pVTZ/C cc-pVTZ-F12-CABS', level_arguments='tight-PNO', solvation_description='APFD/6-311+G(2d,p) SMD water ' 'e_elect = e_DLPNO + sp_e_APFD_sol - sp_e_APFD_gas') Attributes: id (int) The primary key (not a user input) method (str) The method part of the level of theory basis (str) The basis set part of the level of theory auxiliary_basis (str) The auxiliary basis set part of the level of theory dispersion (str) The dispersion part of the level of theory, where relevant and if not included in the method grid (str) A description of the DFT grid, if applicable level_arguments (str) Additional arguments for defining a level, e.g., 'normal-PNO' solvation_method (str) The solvation method used, e.g., 'SMD' solvent (str) The considered solvent, e.g., 'water' solvation_description (str) An optional description of the solvation method used if not standard species_opt (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and Species. species_freq (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and Species. species_scan (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and Species. species_irc (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and Species. species_sp (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and Species. np_species_opt (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and NonPhysicalSpecies. np_species_freq (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and NonPhysicalSpecies. np_species_scan (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and NonPhysicalSpecies. np_species_irc (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and NonPhysicalSpecies. np_species_sp (relationship) A One to Many relationship between Level and NonPhysicalSpecies. reviewer_flags (Dict[str, str]) Backend flags to assist the review process (not a user input) """ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True, nullable=False) method = Column(String(500), nullable=False) basis = Column(String(500), nullable=True) auxiliary_basis = Column(String(500), nullable=True) dispersion = Column(String(500), nullable=True) grid = Column(String(500), nullable=True) level_arguments = Column(String(500), nullable=True) solvation_method = Column(String(500), nullable=True) solvent = Column(String(500), nullable=True) solvation_description = Column(String(1000), nullable=True) reviewer_flags = Column(MsgpackExt, nullable=True) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ A string representation from which the object can be reconstructed. """ str_ = f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(" str_ += f"id={}, " str_ += f"method='{self.method}'" if self.basis is not None: str_ += f", basis='{self.basis}'" if self.auxiliary_basis is not None: str_ += f", auxiliary_basis='{self.auxiliary_basis}'" if self.dispersion is not None: str_ += f", dispersion='{self.dispersion}'" if self.grid is not None: str_ += f", grid='{self.grid}'" if self.level_arguments is not None: str_ += f", level_arguments='{self.level_arguments}'" if self.solvation_method is not None: str_ += f", solvation_method={self.solvation_method}" str_ += f", solvent={self.solvent}" if self.solvation_description is not None: str_ += f", solvation_description={self.solvation_description}" str_ += f")>" return str_ def __str__(self) -> str: """ A user-friendly string representation of the object. """ str_ = f"{self.method}" if self.basis is not None: str_ += f"/{self.basis}" if self.auxiliary_basis is not None: str_ += f"/{self.auxiliary_basis}" if self.dispersion is not None: str_ += f" {self.dispersion}" if self.grid is not None: str_ += f" {self.grid}" if self.level_arguments is not None: str_ += f" {self.level_arguments}" if self.solvation_method is not None: str_ += f" solvation: {self.solvation_method} in {self.solvent}" if self.solvation_description is not None: str_ += f" {self.solvation_description}" return str_